( total number 262)

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A. D. Levin , G. M. Gusev , V. A. Chitta , Z. D. Kvon, A. S. Jaroshevich , D. E. Utkin , D. V. Dmitriev , and A. K. Bakarov, "Obstacle-induced Gurzhi effect and hydrodynamic electron flow in two-dimensional systems", Phys.Rev.B, 2025, 111, 125302


N.M. Kawahala, G.M. Gusev, E.B. Olshanetsky, F.G.G. Hernandez, N.N. Mikhailov, S.A. Dvoretsky , "Weak antilocalization in HgTe double wells with massive Dirac fermions",Semiconductors, 2024, Vol. 58, No. 5, 249

A. D. Levin, G. M. Gusev , V. A. Chitta , A. S. Jaroshevich , and A. K. Bakarov, "Bulk and shear viscosities in a multicomponent two-dimensional electron system", Phys.Rev.B, 2024, 110, 195402

M. A. T. Patricio , G. M. Jacobsen , V. A. Oliveira , M. D. Teodoro , G. M. Gusev , A. K. Bakarov , and Yu. A. Pusep, "Magnetic field breakdown of electron hydrodynamics, Phys.Rev.B , 2024, v. 110, 045411

A. D. Levin, G. M. Gusev, F. G. G. Hernandez, E. B. Olshanetsky, V. M. Kovalev, M. V. Entin,  and N. N. Mikhailov, “Interaction-controlled transport in a two-dimensional massless-massive Dirac system: Transition from degenerate to nondegenerate regimes, Phys.Rev.Research, 2024, 6, 023121

M. A. T. Patricio, G. M. Jacobsen, M. D. Teodoro, G. M. Gusev , A. K. Bakarov, and Yu. A. Pusep, "Hydrodynamics of electron-hole fluid photogenerated in a mesoscopic two-dimensional channel ,Phys.Rev.B Letters , 2024, v. 109, L121401

Yu. A. Pusep , M. D. Teodoro , M. A. T. Patricio , G. M. Jacobsen , G. M. Gusev , and A. K. Bakarov , “ Magnetic field effect on diffusion of photogenerated holes in a mesoscopic GaAs channel , Phys.Rev.B, 2024, v. 109, 075429

G. M. Gusev,  A. D. Levin, E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, V. M. Kovalev, M. V. Entin,  and N. N. Mikhailov, “Interaction-dominated transport in two-dimensional conductors: From degenerate to partially degenerate regime, Phys.Rev.B, 2024, v. 109, 035302


A. D. Levin, G. M. Gusev, A. S. Yaroshevich, Z. D. Kvon, and A. K. Bakarov, “ Geometric engineering of viscous magnetotransport in a two-dimensional electron system”, Phys.Rev.B, 2023, v. 108, 115310

E. B. Olshanetsky, G. M. Gusev, A. D. Levin, Z. D. Kvon, and N. N. Mikhailov, Multifractal Conductance Fluctuations of Helical Edge States”, Phys.Rev.Lett, 2023, v. 131, 076301

Yu A Pusep, M D Teodoro, M A T Patricio, G M Jacobsen, G M Gusev, A D Levin and A K Bakarov,Dynamics of recombination in viscous electron–hole plasma in a mesoscopic GaAs channel”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2023, 56, 175301.

E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, G. M. Gusev and N. N. Mikhailov, Observation of different edge current states localization scenarios in a HgTe based two-dimensional topological insulator”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2023, v. 47, 115605


G. M. Gusev, A. D. Levin, D. A. Kozlov, Z. D. Kvon, and N. N. Mikhailov, “Quantum Transport of Dirac Fermions in HgTe Gapless  
Quantum Wells ”, Nanomaterials., 2022, v. 12, 2047

Yu. A. Pusep , M. D. Teodoro , V. Laurindo, Jr. , E. R. Cardozo de Oliveira , G. M. Gusev , and A. K. Bakarov Diffusion of Photoexcited Holes in a Viscous Electron Fluid”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2022, v. 128, 136801

G.G. J. Ferreira, D. R. Candido, F. G. G. Hernandez , G. M. Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, N. N. Mikhailov and S. A. Dvoretsky, “Engineering topological phases
in triple HgTe/CdTe quantum wells
, Sci.Rep., 12, 2617, 2022

G. M. Gusev,  Z. D. Kvon, D. A. Kozlov,  E. B. Olshanetsky, M. V. Entin,  and N. N. Mikhailov, “Transport through the network of topological channels in HgTe based quantum well, 2D Mater, 9, 015021, 2022


G. M. Gusev, Z. D. Kvon, A. D. Levin, and N. N. Mikhailov, “ Thermoelectric Transport in a Three-Dimensional HgTe Topological Insulator”,Nanomaterials., 2021, v. 11, 3364

D. A. Khudaiberdiev , G. M. Gusev , E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, and N. N. Mikhailov, Magnetohydrodynamics and electron-electron interaction of massless Dirac fermions”, Phys. Rev. Res. Lett., 2021, v. 3, L032031

G. M. Gusev , A. S. Jaroshevich , A. D. Levin, Z. D. Kvon, and A. K. Bakarov, Viscous magnetotransport and Gurzhi effect in bilayer electron system”, Phys. Rev. B, 2021, v. 103, 075303

G. M. Gusev ,E. B. Olshanetsky, F. G. G. Hernandez , O. E. Raichev , N. N. Mikhailov, and S. A. Dvoretsky, Multiple crossings of Landau levels of two-dimensional fermions in double HgTe quantum wells”, Phys. Rev. B, 2021, v.103 035302

E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, G. M. Gusev, M. V. Entin, L. I. Magarill, and N. N. Mikhailov, Thermo emf in a two-dimensional electronhole system in HgTe quantum wells in the presence of magnetic field. The role of the diffusive and the phonon-drag contributions”, Low Temp. Phys., 2021, v. 47, 2


O. E . Raichev, G. M. Gusev, F. G. G. Hernandez, A.D.Levin, and A. K. Bakarov, Phonon drag thermoelectric phenomena in mesoscopic two-dimensional conductors: Current stripes, large Nernst effect, and influence of electron-electron interaction”, Phys. Rev. B, 2020, v.102, 195301

Z. D. Kvon, D. A. Kozlov, E. B. Olshanetsky, G.M.Gusev, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky, “Topological insulators based on HgTe”, Physics - Uspekhi, 2020, 63 (7), 629

F. G. G. Hernandez , G. J. Ferreira , M. Luengo-Kovac, V. Sih , N. M. Kawahala , G. M. Gusev , and A. K. Bakarovz , "Electrical control of spin relaxation anisotropy during drift transport in a two-dimensional electron gas", Phys. Rev. B, 2020, v.102, 125305

O. E . Raichev, G. M. Gusev, A.D.Levin, and A. K. Bakarov, Manifestations of classical size effect and electronic viscosity in the magnetoresistance of narrow
two-dimensional conductors: Theory and experiment”,
Phys. Rev. B, 2020, v.101, 235314

G. M. Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, F. G. G. Hernandez, O. E . Raichev, N. N. Mikhailov,
S. A. Dvoretsky,
"Two-dimensional topological insulator state in double HgTe quantum well", Phys. Rev. B, 2020, v. 101, 241302(R)

A. S. Yaroshevich, Z. D. Kvon, G. M. Gusev and N. N. Mikhailov, “Microwave Photoresistance of a Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator in a HgTe Quantum Well", JETP Letters, 2020, v.111, N2, 121-125

G. M. Gusev, A. S. Yaroshevich, A.D.Levin, Z. D. Kvon, A.K.Bakarov, "Stokes flow around an obstacle in viscous two-dimensional electron liquid" , Sci.Rep., 2020, 10, 7860

N. M. Kawahala, F. C. D. Moraes, G. M. Gusev, A. K. Bakarov, and F. G. G. Hernandez, "Experimental analysis of the spin–orbit coupling dependence on the drift velocity of a spin packet”, AIP Advances 10, 065232 (2020)


G.M.Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, Z.D.Kvon, N. N. Mikhailov, “Mesoscopic transport in two-dimensional topological insulators”, Sol.St.Commun, 2019, 302, 113701

G. M. Gusev, Z. D. Kvon, A. D. Levin, E. B. Olshanetsky, O. E . Raichev, N. N. Mikhailov,
S. A. Dvoretsky,
"Electronic thermal conductivity in 2D topological insulator in a HgTe quantum well" , Sci.Rep., 2019, 9, 831

G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, E. B. Olshanetsky, A.D.Levin, Z.D.Kvon, N. N. Mikhailov, S.A.Dvoretsky, “Thermoelectric transport in two-dimensional topological insulator state based on HgTe quantum well”, 2D Materials, 2019, 6 , 014001


G. M. Gusev, A.D.Levin, E.V.Levinson, and A. K. Bakarov, Viscous transport and Hall viscosity in a two-dimensional electron system”, Phys. Rev. B, 2018, v.98, 161603(R)

G.M.Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, L.I.Magarill, M.V.Entin, A.D.Levin, N. N. Mikhailov, “Thermopower of a two-dimensional semimetal in HgTe quantum well ”, JETP Letters, 2018, v.107, N12, 789-793

A.D.Levin, G. M. Gusev, E.V.Levinson, Z.D. Kvon and A. K. Bakarov, “Vorticity-induced negative nonlocal resistance in a viscous two-dimensional electron system”, Phys. Rev. B, 2018, v.97, 245308

S. Cássio Sanguini Sergio, Celso de Araujo Duarte, Carlos Eduardo Arévalo Anzola, Gilmar Macêdo de Aquino, Guennady Michailovich Gusev, "Selective dependence of the electron-phonon interaction on the nature of the optical transition in AlGaAs quantum wells”, Journal of Luminiscence, 2018, v.202, 322-326

S. Ullah, F. C. D. Moraes, G. M. Gusev, A. K. Bakarov, and F. G. G. Hernandez, "Robustness of spin polarization against temperature in multilayer structure: Triple
quantum well”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, v.123, 2014396

G. M. Gusev, A.D.Levin, E.V.Levinson, and A. K. Bakarov “Viscous electron flow in mesoscopic two-dimensional electron gas”, AIP advance , 2018, v.8, 025318

E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, G.M.Gusev, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky, “Two dimensional topological insulator in quantizing magnetic fields”, Physica E, 2018, v. 99, 220


S. Ullah, G. J. Ferreira, G. M. Gusev, A. K. Bakarov, and F. G. G. Hernandez, "Macroscopic transport of a current-induced spin
polarization”, Journal of Physics: Conf.Series 2017, v.864, 012060

G.M.Gusev, D.A.Kozlov, A. D. Levin, Z. D. Kvon, N. N. Mikhailov, and S. A. Dvoretsky, “Robust helical edge transport at v=0 quantum Hall state”, Phys. Rev. B, 2017, v.96, 045304

S. Ullah, G. M. Gusev, A. K. Bakarov, and F. G. G. Hernandez, "Large anisotropic spin relaxation times of exciton bound to donor states in triple quantum wells”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, v.121, 205703

G. M. Luengo-Kovac, F. C. D. Moraes, G. J. Ferreira, A. S. L. Ribeiro, G. M. Gusev, A. K. Bakarov, V. Sih, and F. G. G. Hernandez, "Gate control of the spin mobility through the modi?cation of the spin-orbit interaction”, Phys. Rev. B, 2017, v.95, 245315

A.D.Levin, S. A. Mikhailov, G. M. Gusev, Z. D. Kvon, E. E. Rodyakina, and A. V. Latyshev “Giant microwave-induced B-periodic magnetoresistance oscillations in a two-dimensional electron gas with a bridged-gate tunnel point contact”, Phys. Rev. B, 2017, v.95, 081408(R)


A.D.Levin, G. M. Gusev, O.E.Raichev, and A. K. Bakarov “Magnetophonon oscillations of thermoelectric power and combined resonance in two-subband
electron systems”, Phys. Rev. B, 2016, v.94, 115309

A.D.Levin, G. M. Gusev, O.E.Raichev, Z.S.Momtaz, and A. K. Bakarov “Magnetocapacitance oscillations and thermoelectric effect in two-dimensional electron
gas irradiated by microwaves”, Phys. Rev. B, 2016, v.94, 045313

F. G. G. Hernandez, S. Ullah, G. J. Ferreira, N. M. Kawahala, G. M. Gusev, and A. K. Bakarov “Macroscopic transverse drift of long current-induced spin coherence
in two-dimensional electron gas”, Phys. Rev. B, 2016, v.94, 045305

E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, G.M.Gusev, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky, “Low field magnetoresistance in a 2D
topological insulator based on wide HgTe quantum well”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2016, v. 28, 345801

S. Ullah, G. M. Gusev, A. K. Bakarov, and F. G. G. Hernandez, “Long-lived nanosecond spin coherence in high-mobility 2DEGs confined
in double and triple quantum wells”, Journal of Applied Physics 2016, 119, 215701


A Rahim, A.D.Levin, G.M.Gusev, Z. D. Kvon, E. B. Olshanetsky, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky,Scaling of local and nonlocal resistances in a 2D topological insulator based on HgTe quantum well”, 2D Materials, 2015, Vol. 2, 044015

A.D.Levin, Z.S.Momtaz, G. M. Gusev, O.E.Raichev, and A. K. Bakarov “Microwave-Induced Magneto-Oscillations and Signatures of Zero-Resistance States
in Phonon-Drag Voltage in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 2015, v.115, 206801

A. D. Levin, G. M. Gusev, Z. D. Kvon, A. K. Bakarov, N. A. Savostianova, S. A. Mikhailov, E. E. Rodyakina, and A. V. Latyshev ,“Giant microwave photo-conductance of a tunnel point contact with a bridged gate”, Appl. Phys.Lett., 2015, v.107, 072112

E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, G.M.Gusev, A.D.Levin, O.E.Raichev, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky, “Persistence of a Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator State in Wide HgTe Quantum Wells”, Phys.Rev.Lett., 2015, Vol. 114, 126802

G.M. Gusev, Z.D.Kvon, O.A.Shegai, N.N.Mikhailov, S.A.Dvoretsky, “Aharonov Bohm effect in 2D topological insulator”, Solid.State Commun., 2015, v.205, 4-8


F. G. G. Hernandez, G. M. Gusev, and A. K. Bakarov “Resonant optical control of the electrically induced spin polarization by periodic excitation”, Phys. Rev. B, 2014, v.90, 041302(R)

L.E.G. Armas, E.C.F.da Silva, C.A.Duarte, I.R.Pagnossin, A.A.Quivy, J.W.Menezes, C.Jacinto, A.C.Seabra , G.M.Gusev , “Influence of the Al concentration on the electronic properties of coupled and uncoupled AlxGa1xAs/AlAs/AlyGa1yAs double quantum wells”, Physica E. , 2014, v.61, 158

J. A. Leon, N. C. Mamani, A. Rahim, L. E. Gomez, M. A. P. da Silva, G. M. Gusev , “Transferring Few-Layer Graphene Sheets on
Hexagonal Boron Nitride Substrates for Fabrication of Graphene Devices”, Graphene , 2014, v.3, 25

L. Fernandes dos Santos, J. Ludwig, D. Smirnov, G. M. Gusev, A. K. Bakarov, and Yu. A. Pusep, “Spectroscopic evidence of quantum Hall interlayer tunneling gap collapse caused by tilted magnetic field in a GaAs/AlGaAs triple quantum well”, Phys. Rev. B, 2014, v.89, 195113

A.D.Levin, Z.S.Momtaz, G. M. Gusev, and A. K. Bakarov “Microwave-induced nonlocal transport in a two-dimensional electron system”, Phys. Rev. B, 2014, v.89, 161304(R)

G.M.Gusev, Z. D. Kvon, E. B. Olshanetsky, A. D. Levin, Y. Krupko, J. C. Portal, N. N. Mikhailov, and S. A. Dvoretsky, “Temperature dependence of the resistance of a two-dimensional topological insulator in a HgTe quantum well”, Phys. Rev. B, 2014, v.89, 125305


Z. D. Kvon, G. M. Gusev, A. D. Levin, D. A. Kozlov, E. E. Rodyakina, and A. V. Latyshev, “Microwave Response of a Ballistic Quantum Dot”, JETP Lett, 2013, v.98, 713

F. G. G. Hernandez, L. M. Nunes, G. M. Gusev, and A. K. Bakarov “Observation of the intrinsic spin Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas”, Phys. Rev. B, 2013, v.88, 161305(R)

G.M.Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, O. E. Raichev, N. N. Mikhailov, and S. A. Dvoretsky, “Transition from insulating to metallic phase induced by in-plane magnetic field in HgTe quantum wells”, Phys. Rev. B, 2013, v.88, 195305

I A Larkin, Sebastian Ujevic, S Wiedmann, N Mamani, G M Gusev, A K Bakarov and J C Portal, “Shubnikov-de Haas effect in tilted magnetic fields in wide quantum well”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 456 (2013), 012025

F. G. G. Hernandez, G. M. Gusev, and A. K. Bakarov , “Tuning of the Lande g-factor in AlxGa1-xAs/AlAs single and double quantum wells”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 456 (2013), 012015

G.M.Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, N. N. Mikhailov, and S. A. Dvoretsky, “Linear magnetoresistance in HgTe quantum wells”, Phys. Rev. B, 2013, v.87, 081311(R)

G.M.Gusev, A.D.Levin, Z. D. Kvon, N. N. Mikhailov, and S. A. Dvoretsky, “Quantum Hall Effect in n-p-n and n-2D Topological Insulator-n Junctions”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 2013, v.110, 076805


O.E.Raichev, G.M.Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky and J. C. Portal, “Unconventional Hall effect near charge neutrality point in a two-dimensional electron-hole system”, Phys. Rev. B., 2012, v.86, 155320

E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, G.M.Gusev, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky, “Two-Dimensional Semimetal–Insulator Transition in HgTe-Based Quantum Wells Induced by a Longitudinal Magnetic Field”, JETP Letters, 2012, Vol. 96, No. 4, pp. 251 –254

L. Fernandes dos Santos, Yu. A. Pusep, L. Villegas-Lelovsky, V. Lopez-Richard, G. E. Marques, G. M. Gusev,
D. Smirnov, and A. K. Bakarov,
“Quantum oscillations of spin polarization in a GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum well”, Phys. Rev. B, 2012, v.86, 125415

Yu.A. Pusep, L. Fernandes dos Santos, G. M. Gusev, D. Smirnov, and A. K. Bakarov, “Circularly Polarized Photoluminescence as a Probe of Density of States in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Hall Bilayers”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 2012, v.109, 046802

G.M.Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, A.D.Levin, N. N. Mikhailov, and S. A. Dvoretsky, “Nonlocal Transport Near Charge Neutrality Point in a Two-Dimensional Electron-Hole System”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 2012, v.108, 226804

L. Fernandes dos Santos, Yu. A. Pusep, G. M. Gusev, A. K. Bakarov and A. I. Toropov, “Magnetic field induced charge redistribution in artificially disordered quantum Hall superlattices", EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2012, v. 97, 17010

N. M. Sotomayor, L. A. Cabral, L. Y. A. Davila, G. M. Gusev, “Classical magnetoresistance of a ballistic electron gas
constrained to non-planar topographies in a lattice of antidots under tilted magnetic field",
Physica E, 2012, v. 45, 135-145


S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Zero-resistance states in bilayer electron systems
induced by microwave irradiation",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 334 (2011), 012014

S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Emergent fractional quantum Hall effect at even
denominator v=3/2 in a triple quantum well in tilted magnetic fields",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 334 (2011), 012026

S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Nonlinear transport phenomena in a two-subband system", Phys. Rev. B, 2011, v.84, 165303

G.M.Gusev, Z. D. Kvon, O.A.Shegai, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky and J. C. Portal,“Transport in disordered two-dimensional topological insulator", Phys. Rev. B, 2011, v.84, 121302(R)

F. G. G. Hernandez, G.M.Gusev, Z.D.Kvon, J.C.Portal, “Linear and nonlinear transport in a small charge-tunable open quantum ring", Phys. Rev. B, 2011, v.84, 075332

Yu.A.Pusep, G.M.Gusev, A.K.Bakarov, A.I.Toropov, J.C.Portal, “Magnetotransport in a wide parabolic well superimposed with a superlattice”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, v.109, 37200

S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, S. Kramer, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Microwave-induced Hall resistance in bilayer electron systems", Phys. Rev. B, 2011, v.83, 195317

C.A.Duarte, L. E. G. Armas, E. C. F. da Silva, G.M.Gusev, A.K.Bakarov, S. Wiedmann and J.C.Portal, “Fractional quantum Hall effect in second subband of a 2DES”, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2011, v. 94, 37010

G.M.Gusev, S.Wiedmann, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Evidence for zero-differential resistance states in electronic bilayers", Phys. Rev. B, 2011, v.83, 041306(R)


S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Thermally activated intersubband scattering and oscillating magnetoresistance in quantum wells", Phys. Rev. B, 2010, v.82, 165333

S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Microwave zero-resistance states in a bilayer electron system", Phys. Rev. Lett, 2010, v.105, 026804

E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, G.M.Gusev, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky and J. C. Portal, “Weak Antilocalization in HgTe Quantum Wells near a Topological Transition”, JETP Letters, 2010, Vol. 91, No. 7, pp. 347–350

G.M.Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky and J. C. Portal, “Quantum Hall Effect near the Charge Neutrality Point in a Two-Dimensional Electron-Hole System”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 2010, v.104, 166401

G.M.Gusev, Yu.A.Pusep, A.K.Bakarov, A.I.Toropov, J.C.Portal, “Magnetic-field-induced transition in a wide parabolic well superimposed with a superlattice”, Phys. Rev. B, 2010, v.81, 165302

S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Crossover between distinct mechanisms of microwave photoresistance in bilayer systems", Phys. Rev. B, 2010, v.81, 085311

C.R.Bowers, G.M. Gusev, J. Jaroszynski, J.L.Reno, J.A.Simmons "Resistively detected NMR of the filling factor =1 quantum Hall state: A tilted magnetic field study" , Phys. Rev. B, 2010, v.81, 073301

S.Wiedmann, N.C.Mamani, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Integer and fractional microwave induced resistance oscillations in a 2D system with moderate mobility", Physica E, 2010, v.42, 1078

S.Wiedmann, N.C.Mamani, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Magneto-intersubband oscillations in triple quantum wells", Physica E, 2010, v.42, 1088

S.Wiedmann, N.C.Mamani, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Magnetoresistance oscillations in triple quantum wells under microwave irradiation", Physica E, 2010, v.42, 2614

A.Tabata, J.B.B.Oliveira, E.C.F da Silva, T.E.Lamas, C.A.Duarte, G.M.Gusev,“Excitons in undoped AlGaAs/GaAs wide parabolic quantum wells”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, v.210, 012052


J. D. Caldwell, C.R.Bowers, G.M. Gusev "Resistively detected ESR
and ENDOR experiments in narrow and wide quantum wells:
a comparative study", Electron Spin Resonance and Related Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Structures, Topics Appl. Physics, 2009, 115, 1–13

G.M.Gusev, Z.D.Kvon, E.B.Olshanetsky, A.Y.Plotnikov,“Magnetic-field asymetry of nonlinear transport in a small ring ”, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2009, v. 88, 47007

S.Wiedmann, N.C.Mamani, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Magnetoresistance oscillations in multilayer systems: Triple wells", Phys. Rev. B, 2009, v.80, 245306

G.M.Gusev, S.Wiedmann, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Emergent and reentrant fractional quantum Hall effect in trilayer systems in a tilted magnetic field", Phys. Rev. B, 2009, v.80, 161302(R)

N.C.Mamani, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, T.E.Lamas, A.K.Bakarov, “Nonlinear transport and oscillating magnetoresistance in double quantum wells", Phys. Rev. B, 2009, v.80, 098762

N.C.Mamani, G.M.Gusev, E.C.F.da Silva, O.E.Raichev, A.A.Quivy, A.K.Bakarov, “Classical and quantum magnetoresistance in a two-subband electron system ", Phys. Rev. B, 2009, v.80, 085304

S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “High order fractional microwave-induced resistance oscillations in two-dimensional systems", Phys. Rev. B, 2009, v.80, 035317

S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, T.E.Lamas, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Magnetoresistance oscillations in double quantum wells under microwave irradiations”, Int.Journal of Mod. Phys. B, 2009, v.23, 2943

L.E.G.Armas, G.M.Gusev, T.E.Lamas, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Quantum Hall ferromagnet in a double well with a vanishing g-factor”, Int.Journal of Mod. Phys. B, 2009, v.23, 2933

G.M.Gusev, “Transport in a bilayer system at high Landau filling factor”, Int.Journal of Mod. Phys. B, 2009, v.23, 2603

C.A.Duarte, G.M.Gusev, T.E.Lamas, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Valley splitting and g-factor in AlAs quantum wells”, Int.Journal of Mod. Phys. B, 2009, v.23, 2948


I.R.Pagnossin, A.K.Meikap, A.A.Quivy, G.M.Gusev, “Electron dephasing scattering rate in two-dimensional GaAs/InGaAs heterostructures with embedded InAs quantum dots”, J.Appl.Phys., 2008, v.104, 073723

G.M.Gusev, C.A.Duarte, T.E.Lamas, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Interlayer interference in double wells in a tilted magnetic field”, Phys. Rev. B, 2008, v.78, 155320

I.R.Pagnossin, A.K.Meikap, T.E.Lamas, G.M.Gusev, J.C.Portal, “Anomalous dephasing scattering rate of two-dimensional electron in double quantum well structures”, Phys. Rev. B, 2008, v.78, 115311

S.Wiedmann, G.M.Gusev, O.E.Raichev, T.E.Lamas, A.K.Bakarov, J.C.Portal, “Interference oscillations of microwave photoresistance in double quantum wells”, Phys. Rev. B, 2008, v.78, 121301(R)

N.C.Mamani, G.M.Gusev, T.E.Lamas, A.K.Bakarov, O.E.Raichev, “Resonance oscillations of magnetoresistance in double quantum wells”, Phys. Rev. B, 2008, v.77, 205327

G.M. Gusev , A.K.Bakarov, T.E.Lamas, J. C. Portal,“Reentrant Quantum Hall effect in a bilayer system at high filling factors ”, Physica E, 2008, v. 40, 1576.

L.E.G.Armas, G.M. Gusev , A.K.Bakarov, N.F.Oliveira Jr., J. C. Portal,“Shubnikov de Haas oscillations in double well with opposite signs of the electronic g-factor”, Physica E, 2008, v. 40, 1560.


A. M. Nunes, S. A. Moshkalev, P. J. Tatsch, C. A. Duarte, and G. M. Gusev
, "GaAs and AlGaAs reactive ion etching in SiCl4/Arg mixtures for HEMT applications", ECS Trans. 9, (1) 169 (2007)


A.Tabata, M.R.Martins, J.B.B.Oliveira, T.E.Lamas, C.A.Duarte, E.C.F da Silva, G.M.Gusev,“ Many body effects in wide parabolic quantum wells”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2007, v.102, 093715(1-5)

G.M. Gusev , A.K.Bakarov, T.E.Lamas, J. C. Portal,“Reentrant Quantum Hall effect and anisotropic transport in a bilayer system at high filling factors ”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2007, v. 99, 126804.

C.A.Duarte, G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, A.K.Bakarov, J. C. Portal,“Landau-level crossing in two-subband systems in a tilted field ”, Phys. Rev. B, 2007,v. 76, 075346.

A.M.Ortiz de Zevallos, N.C.Mamani, G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.C.Portal,Enhanced Hall slope in a wide AlGaAs parabolic well ", Phys.Rev. B , 2007, v. 75, 205324

A.M.Ortiz de Zevallos, N.C.Mamani, G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.C.Portal,Hall resistance and many-body effects in a parabolic well", International Journ. of Modern Phys. , 2007, v. 21, 1502

M.L.Peres, V.A.Chitta, G.M. Gusev , N.F.Oliveira N.F.Jr., P.H.O.Rappl, A.Y.Ueta, E.Abramof,“Weak localization in n- and p- type films of Pb Eu Te ", International Journ. of Modern Phys. , 2007, v. 21, 1519


C.R.Bowers, J.D.Caldwell, G.M. Gusev, A.E.Kovalev, E.Olshanetsky, J.L.Reno, J.A.Simmons, S.A.Vitkalov, Dynamic nuclear polarization and nuclear magnetic resonance in the vicinity of edge states of a 2DEG in GaAs quantum wells", Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 2006, v. 29, 52

G.M. Gusev, N.M. Sotomayor Choque, A.C.Seabra, A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J C Portal,“ Quantum Hall ferromagnet in a two-dimensional electron gas coupled with quantum dots”, Physica E, 2006, v. 34, N 1, p.777-781.

C.A.Duarte, G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J C Portal,“Electric field controlled g-factor in parabolic well determined by transport measurements”, Physica E, 2006,v. 34, N 1, p. 488-491.

N.M.Sotomayor Choque, J.F.da Rocha Neto, G.M.Gusev,“Memory effects in backscattering of two-dimensional electrons in corrugated system”, Brazilain Journal of Physics, 2006,v. 36, N 2A, p. 340-342.

N.C.Mamani, C.A.Duarte, G.M.Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, “Magnetotransport in AlGaAs quantum wells with different potential shapes”, Brazilain Journal of Physics, 2006, v. 36, N 2A, p. 336-339.

C.A.Duarte, G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas,“Spin valve effect and Hall resistance in a wide parabolic well”, Brazilain Journal of Physics, 2006,v. 36, N 2A, p. 488-491.


J.D.Caldwell, C.R.Bowers, G.M. Gusev , Electron spin resonance in a wide parabolic quantum well", Phys.Rev. B , 2005, v. 72, 115339

I.C.da Cunha Lima , G.M.Gusev, J.R.Leite, Spin polarization by titlted nagnetic field in wide AlGaAs parabolic quantum wells", Journal of Superconductivity, 2005, v. 18, N 2, 169-173

Hyun-Ick Cho, G.M. Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.T.Renard, Jung-Hee Lee, J.C.Portal, Negative classical magnetoresistance in a high density two-dimensional electron gas in a AlGaN/GaN heterostructure", Phys.Rev. B , 2005, v. 71, 245323

T.E.Lamas, A.A.Quivy, C.S.Sergio, G.M.Gusev, J.C.Portal, High mobility of a three-dimensional hole gas in parabolic quantum wells grown on GaAs(311)A substrates", Journ.Appl.Phys. , 2005, v. 97, 076107

G.M. Gusev , C.A.Duarte, A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.R. Leite, A.K.Bakarov, A.I.Toropov, Spin-dependent Hall effect in a parabolic well with a quasi-three-dimensional electron gas", Phys.Rev. B , 2005, v. 71, 165311


N.M.Sotomayor, G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite , A.A.Bykov, A.K.Kalagin, V.M.Kudryashov and A.I.Toropov, “Negative linear classical magnetoresistance in a corrugated two-dimensional electron gas", Phys. Rev.B, 2004, v. 70, 235326-1-6 .

N.M.Sotomayor Choque, G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite,“Evolution from commensurability to size-effects structures in three-dimensional billiards", Brazilian Journal of Physics , 2004, v.34, N 2B 638.

Z.D.Kvon, V.Renard, G.M. Gusev , J.C.Portal,“Large positive quasi-classical magnetoresistance in high mobility 2D electron gas : interplay of short and long-range disorder”, Phys. Rev.B, 2004, v. 70, 033303-1-4

O.Estibals, Z.D.Kvon, G.M. Gusev , G.Arnaud, J.C.Portal,“Magnetoconductivity of a spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas near the (111) silicon surface ”, Physica E, 2004, v. 22, 446-449

Z.D.Kvon, V.Renard, G.M. Gusev , J.C.Portal,“Large positive quasi-classical magnetoresistance in high mobility 2D electron gas : interplay of short and long-range disorder”, Physica E, 2004, v. 22, 332-335

G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.R. Leite, O. Estibals, J.C.Portal,“ Transport of the quasi-three-dimensional hole gas in a magnetic field in the ultra-quantum limit”, Physica E, 2004, v. 22, 336-340

G.M. Gusev , C.S.Sergio, A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.R. Leite, O. Estibals, J.C.Portal,“ Charge density wave instability in a parabolic well in perpendicular magnetic field”, Physica E, 2004, v. 22, 115-118

G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.R. Leite, O. Estibals, J.C.Portal,“ Transport properties of a quantum Hall ferromagnet in a parabolic well”, Physica E, 2004, v. 22, 90-93

G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.R. Leite, Anomalous Hall effect in a wide parabolic well", Phys.Stat.Sol.(c) , 2004, No S2, S18-S187


A.Tabata, J.B.B.Oliveira, T.E.Lamas, C.S.Sergio, A.A.Quivy, G.M.Gusev, J.R.Leite,“ Optical properties of remotely doped parabolic quantum wells”, Physica E, 2003, v.17, 262-263

G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.R. Leite, O. Estibals, J.C.Portal,“ Quantum Hall ferromagnet in a parabolic well”, Phys.Rev. B , 2003, v. 67 155313


C.S.Sergio, G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.R. Leite, O. Estibals, J.C.Portal,“ Evolution of the two-dimensional towards three-dimensional Lanadu states in wide parabolic quantum well”, Microelectronics Journal , 2003, v.34 A, N 5-8, p.763-766.

N.M.Sotomayor Choque, G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite, A. A Bykov, L.V.Litvin, N.T.Moshegov, A I.Toropov , J.C.Portal,“Commensurability oscillations in antidot lattice in a quasi-three- dimensional electron gas", Phys.Rev. B , 2003, v.67, 113308.


N.M. Sotomayor Choque, G.M. Gusev, J.R. Leite, A.A.Bykov, A K.Bakarov, A I.Toropov,“ Geometric resonance in the resistivity of wide quantum wells”, Physica E, 2002, v. 13, 777-781.

C.S.Sergio, G.M.Gusev, J.R.Leite, E.B.Olshanetsky, A A Bykov, N.T.Moshegov, A K.Bakarov, A I.Toropov, O Estibals, J.C.Portal,“Landau levels in two and three-dimensional electron gases in a wide parabolic quantum well”, Brazilian Journal of Physics , 2002, v.32, N 2A, p.347-349.

A J.Chiquito , Yu.Pusep, G.M.Gusev , A. I. Toropov, "Quantum interference in intentionally disordered doped GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices ”, Phys. Rev. B, 2002, v. 66, 035323 - (1-7).

N.M. Sotomayor Choque, G.M. Gusev, J.R. Leite, A.A.Bykov, L.V.Litvin, N.T.Moshegov, A I.Toropov, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal,“ Chaotic electron dynamics in an antidot lattice subjected to a strong in-plane magnetic field “, Phys.Rev.B, 2002, v.66, 035324 -(1-11).

G.M. Gusev , A.A.Quivy, T.E.Lamas, J.R. Leite, A. K. Bakarov, A. I. Toropov, O.Estibals, J.C. Portal,“Magnetotransport of a quasi-three-dimensional electron gás in the lowest Landau level “, Phys.Rev.B, 2002, v. 65, 205316-(1-9).

Z.D.Kvon, O. Estibals, G.M.Gusev , J.C. Portal,"Conductivity corrections in the strongly correlated and disordered electron system “, Phys.Rev.B, 2002, v. 65, 161304-(1-4).


A. A. Bykov, G.M.Gusev, J.R.Leite, A K.Bakarov, A.V.Goran,V.M.Kudryashev,A.I.Toropov,“Quasiclassical negative magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional electron gas in a random magnetic field”, Phys.Rev.B, 2001, v. 65, 035303-(1-7).

C.S.Sergio, G.M.Gusev, J.R.Leite, E.B.Olshanetsky, A A Bykov, N.T.Moshegov, A K.Bakarov, A I.Toropov, O Estibals, J.C.Portal,“Coexistence of a two-dimensional a three-dimensional Landau states in a wide parabolic quantum well”, Phys.Rev.B, 2001, v. 64, 115314-(1-9).

A. A. Bykov, G.M.Gusev, J.R.Leite, N.T.Moshegov, A K.Bakarov, A I.Toropov, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal,“Magnetoresistance in a Stripe-Shaped Two Dimensional Electron Gas “, Physica B, 298, 2001, p. 79-82 .

G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite, E.B. Olshanetskii, N.T.Moshegov, A I.Toropov, D.K.Maude, M.Casse, J.C.Portal,“Quantum Hall Effect in a Wide Parabolic Well”, Physica B, 2001, 298, p. 306-309

N.M.Sotomayor Choque, G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite, A. A Bykov, L.V.Litvin, N.T.Moshegov, A I.Toropov,“Commensurability Oscillations in Wide Parabolic Well in the Presence of an In-Plane Magnetic Field”, Physica B, 2001, 298, p. 302-305.

Yu.Pusep, G.M.Gusev , A J.Chiquito, S.S. Sokolov, A K.Bakarov, A. I. Toropov, J.R.Leite,“Vertical longitudinal magnetoresistance of superlattices” , Phys.Rev. B, 2001, v. 63, 165307-(1-6).


N.M.Sotomayor, G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite, V. A Chitta,“Theoretical analysis of magnetoresistance commensurability oscillations of 2D electrons in antidot lattice in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field”,Microelectronics Engineering, 2000, 51-52, p.111-117.

M. Cassé, Z. D. Kvon, G. M. Gusev , E. B. Olshanetskii, L. V. Litvin, A. V. Plotnikov, D. K. Maude, and J. C. Portal ,“Temperature dependence of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations and the energy spectrum in a single-mode ballistic ring”, Phys.Rev.B, 2000, v.62, N 3, p. 2345-2350

A A Bykov, G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite, A K.Bakarov, N.T.Moshegov, M.Casse, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, "Hall effect in a spatially fluctuating magnetic field with zero mean”, Phys. Rev.B, 2000, v. 61, N 8, p. 5505-5509.

G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite, E.B.Olshanetsky, M.Casse, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, N.T.Moshegov, A I.Toropov,“Magnetooscillations of electrons in nonparabolic confining potential”, Physica E, 2000, v.6, N1-2, p.112-115

E.B.Olshanetsky, M.Casse, Z.D.Kvon, G.M.Gusev , L.V.Litvin, A V.Plotnikov, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal,“Symmetric, gated, ballistic rings as tunable electron interferometers”, Physica E, 2000, v.6, N1-2, p.322-326


N.M.Sotomayor Choque, M.T.dos Santos, G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite, Z.D.Kvon,“Stochastic dynamics of 2D electrons in antidot lattice in the presence of na in-plane magnetic field”, Brazilain Journal of Physics, 1999,v. 29, N 4, p. 727-729.

G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite, E.B.Olshanetskii, D.K.Maude, M.Casse, J.C.Portal, N.T.Moshegov, A I.Toropov,“Quantum Hall effect in a wide parabolic quantum well”, Brazilain Journal of Physics, 1999,v. 29, N 4, p. 715-718.


G.M.Gusev , A A Quivy, J.R.Leite, A A Bykov, N.T.Moshegov, V.M.Kudryashov, A I. Toropov, Yu.V.Nastaushev,“Magnetotransport in a spatially modulated magnetic field”, Brazilain Journal of Physics, 1999,v. 29, N 4, p. 711-714.

G.M.Gusev , A A Quivy, J.R.Leite, A A Bykov, N.T.Moshegov, V.M.Kudryashov, A I. Toropov, Yu.V.Nastaushev,“Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in a nonplanar two-dimensional electron gas”, Semiconductor Science and Tecnology, 1999, v.14, p. 1114-1118.

M.Trindade dos Santos, G.M.Gusev , J.R.Leite, A A Bykov, N.T.Moshegov, V.M.Kudryashov, A I. Toropov, Yu.V.Nastaushev,“Commensurability oscillations in a stripe-shaped two-dimensional electron gas”, Superlattices and Microstructures, 1999, v.25, N 1, p.167-173.

G.M.Gusev, J.R.Leite, A. A. Bykov, V.M.Kudryashov, N.T.Moshegov, A.I.Toropov, Yu.V.Nastaushev,“Single –particle relaxation time in a spatially fluctuating magnetic field”, Phys. Rev. B, 1999, v.59, N 8, p.5711-5716.


G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, X Kleber, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, D.I.Lubyshev, P.Basmaji, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, Yu.V.Nastaushev,"Percolation network in an artificial, smooth potential", Phys. Rev. B, 1998, v 58, N 8, p. 4636-4643

A.A.Bykov, I.V.Marchishin, A.G.Pogosov, L.V.Litvin, E.B.Olshanetskii, G.M.Gusev, "Coherent properties of in plane gated submicron rings in a small-signal regime", Physica B, 1998, p. 371-374.

G.M.Gusev, J.R.Leite, N.T.Moshegov, and A.I.Toropov, "Magnetooscillations in wide parabolic well in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field", Physica B, 1998, v.256-258, p. 248-251.

M.V.Budantsev, Z.D.Kvon, A.G.Pogosov, G.M.Gusev , J.C.Portal, D.K.Maude, N.T.Moshegov, A.I.Toropov,"2D lattice of coupled Sinai billiards: metall or insulator at g<<1? ", Physica B, 1998, v.256-258, p. 595-599

A.A.Bykov, E.B.Olshanetsky, L.V.Litvin, N.T.Moshegov, A.I.Toropov, G.M.Gusev ,"Coherence properties of submicron GaAs/AlGaAs rings with a ferromagnetic gate", Physica E, 1998, v. 2, N1-4, p.408-411.

Z.D.Kvon, E.B.Olshanetsky, G.M.Gusev , J.C.Portal, D.K.Maude, Coulomb-like mesoscopic fluctuations in a 2D electron gas near filling factor n =1/2”, 1998, Usp.Fiz.Nauk, v.168, N 2, p. 175-178

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, E.B.Olshanetskii, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal,“Spin splitting collapse in a 2D electron gas in AlGa/GaAs heterostructure”, Physica B, 1998, v. 249-251, p. 771.

G.M.Gusev , E.B.Olshanetskii, Z.D.Kvon, D.K.Maude, X.Kleber, J.C.Portal,“Manifestation of charge-flux duality in a 2D electron gas near filling factor n =1/2, Physica B, 1998, v.249-251, p. 27-31

P.Basmaji, G.M.Gusev , N.La Scala Jr., P.P.Gonzalez-Borrero, D.I.Lubyshev, M.P.A.da Silva, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, J.C.Rossi,“Interference effects in nonplanar wires with a two-dimensional electron gas”, Physics of low-dimensional structure, 1998, 1/2, part II, p. 187- 192.

G.M.Gusev , N.La Scala Jr., D.I.Lubyshev, P.P.Gonzales-Borrero, P.Basmaji, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, J.C.Portal,"Magnetooscillations in a trapezoidal two-dimensional electron gas grown over GaAs wires", Microstructures and superlattices, 1998, v.24, N 3, p. 197-201.


X.Kleber, G.M.Gusev , M.V.Budantsev, M.Casse, U.Gennser, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, Z.D.Kvon, A.E.Plotnikov, A.I.Toropov, N.T.Moshegov,“Magnetoconductance of two independently tunable parallel point contacts using an elliptical antidot”, Physics of low-dimensional structure, 1997, 11/12, part I, p. 75- 81

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, E.B.Olshanetsky, J.C.Portal, D.K.Maude,“Resistance of 2D electrons at zero magnetic field and near filling factor n =1/2”, JETP Lett., 1997, v.66, N3, p. 160-164

Z.D.Kvon, E.B.Olshanetsky, G.M.Gusev , J.C.Portal, D.K.Maude, “Coulomb-like mesoscopic fluctuations in a 2D electron gas near filling factor n =1/2”, Phys. Rev.B, 1997, v.56, N 19, p. 12112-12115.

N.La Scala Jr, G.M.Gusev , D.I.Lubyshev, P.P Gonzales-Borrero, , P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, J.C.Portal, P.Basmaji ,"Electron heating effects in a free standing wire observed by universal conductance fluctuations", Brazilian Journal of Physics , 1997, v.27 A, N 4, p.231-233.

G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, X.Kleber, D.I.Lubyshev, P.Basmaji, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, J.C.Portal, Yu.V.Nastaushev,“ Universal diagonal and Hall conductance fluctuations in a random magnetic field”, Brazilian Journal of Physics , 1997, v.27 A, N 4, p. 219-222.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, A.G.Pogosov, M.M.Voronin,“Nonlinear effects in a two-dimensional electron gas with a periodic lattice of scatterers”, JETP Lett., 1997, v. 65, N 3, p. 248-252.


G.M.Gusev, Z.D.Kvon, A.G.Pogosov, P.Basmaji, "Weak localization effects in electron billiard", JETP, 1996, v.83, N 2, p. 375-378.

X Kleber , G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, , D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, D.I.Lubyshev, P.Basmaji, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, Yu.V.Nastaushev,"Chaotic electron dynamics around a single elliptically shaped antidot", Phys.Rev. B, 1996, v.54, N 19, p. 13859-13867.

G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, X Kleber, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, D.I.Lubyshev, P.Basmaji, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, Yu.V.Nastaushev, " Quantum interference effects in a strongly fluctuating magnetic field", 1996, Phys.Rev. B, v.53, N 20, p. 13641-13644.

G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, X Kleber, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, D.I.Lubyshev, P.Basmaji, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, Yu.V.Nastaushev, "Absence of delocalized states in a 2D electron gas in a magnetic field below c =1" 1996, Solid State Communications , v.100, N 4, p. 269-273.

G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, X Kleber, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, D.I.Lubyshev, P.Basmaji, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, Yu.V.Nastaushev,"Random magnetic field and weak localization effects in a dimpled 2D electron gas", Superlattices and Mictrostructures, 1996, v 18, N 1, p.67-73.

G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, X Kleber, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, D.I.Lubyshev, P.Basmaji, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi,Yu.V.Nastaushev,"Magnetoresistance oscillations in a dimpled two-dimensional electron gas", Surface Science , 1996, v. 361/362, p. 855-859.

G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, X Kleber, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, D.I.Lubyshev, P.Basmaji, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, Yu.V.Nastaushev, M.R.Baklanov, "Oscillation of the scattering time in a 2D electron system with oval antidots", Solid State Electronics, 1996, v.40, N1-8, p. 441-446.



G.M.Gusev , X Kleber, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, N.T.Moshegov, A.I.Toropov, "Universal conductance fluctuations in a two-dimensional electron gas near filling factor =1/2.", 1995 , Solid State Commun., v.37, N 2, p.83-87.

P.Basmaji, G.M.Gusev , D.I.Lubyshev, P.A.Silva, J.C.Rossi, Yu.V.Nastaushev, M.R.Baklanov, "Charge capture in AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with disordered antidot lattice", Materials Science and Engineering B, 1995, 35, p.322-324


M.V.Budantsev, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, A.G.Pogosov,"Nonlinear effects in the nonlocal resistance of a 2D electron gas under conditions of the quantum Hall effect., JETP Lett., 1994, v. 60, N 12, p. 848- 852.

G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, J.C.Rossi, D.I.Lubyshev, Yu.V.Nastaushev, P.Basmaji,"Charge transfer between percolation levels in a system with an artificial, strongly disordered potential", Superlattices and Mictrostructures, 1994, v.16, N 1, p. 97-99.

G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, J.C.Rossi, D.I.Lubyshev, P.Basmaji,"Dephasing time and interference effects in coupled quantum wells", Solid State Commun., 1994, v 91, N 2, p.105-109.

G.M.Gusev , P.Basmaji, D.I.Lubyshev, J.C.Portal, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.I.Toropov,"Magnetic field tuned transition of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations from hc/e to hc/2e peiodicity in the array of AlGaAs/GaAs rings, Brazilian Journal of Physics, 1994, v.24, No 1, 297-301.

D.I.Lubyshev, J.C.Rossi, G.Gusev , P.Basmaji,"Wire crystals of GaAs and InAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy on porous silicon", Brazilian Journal of Physics, 1994, v 24, No 1, 340-343

G.M.Gusev , P.Basmaji, M.H.Degani, J.C.Portal, P.W.H.Pinkse, Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.I.Toropov,"Conductance fluctuations in a mesoscopic conductor with antidots", Brazilian Journal of Physics, 1994, v 24, No 1, 317-321.

G.M.Gusev , P.Basmaji, D.I.Lubyshev, J.C.Portal, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.I.Toropov," Magnetic field tuned transition of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations from hc/e to hc/2e periodicity in the array of AlGaAs/GaAs rings", Sol. State. Electronics, 1994, v 37, N 4-6, p. 1231-1234.

G.M.Gusev , U.Gennser, D.K.Maude, J.C.Portal, D.I.Lubyshev, Yu.V.Nastaushev, J.C.Rossi, P.Basmaji," Magnetic field tuned impurity level in a mesoscopic AlGaAs/GaAs antidot sample." J.Phys.Cond.Matter, 1994, v 6, N 18, L265-L272

G.M.Gusev , P.Basmaji, Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.I.Toropov,"Negative magnetoresistance and anomalous diffusion of two-dimensional electrons in a disordered array of antidots", Surface Sci., 1994, v 305, p.443-447.

G.M.Gusev , P.Basmaji, Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.I.Toropov,"Negative differential magnetoresistance and commensurability oscillations of two-dimensional electrons in a disordered array of antidots.", J.Phys.Cond.Matter, 1994, v 6, N 1, 73-78.


D.I.Lubyshev, J.C.Rossi, G.M.Gusev , P.Basmaji,"Nano-scale wires of GaAs on porous Si grown by molecular beam epitaxy", J.Crystal Growth, 1993, v 132, 533-537.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.K.Kalagin, A.I.Toropov, ``Electron transport through a two-dimensional array of quantum dots``, Superlattice and Microstructures, 1993, v 13, N 3, 383-385.

G.M.Gusev , P.Basmaji, D.I.Lubyshev, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, V.V.Preobrazhenskii,``Magneto-oscillations in a two-dimensional electron gas with a Penrose lattice of artificial scatterers'', Phys.Rev.B, 1993, v 47, N 15, 9928- 9930.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.K.Kalagin, A.I.Toropov,"Magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional electron gas in a disordered artificial array of scatterers''.Superlattices and Microstructures, 1993, v.13, N 2, 263-265.

G.M.Gusev , P.Basmaji, Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.I.Toropov."Magnetoresistance of two-dimensional electrons in a lateral lattice of antiwires''. Solid State Commun., 1993, v.85, N 4, 317-320.


G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, Yu. V.Nastaushev, A.K.Kalagin, A.I.Toropov.`Magnetoresisance oscillations in a two-dimensional electron gas with a periodic array of scatterers''. J.Phys.:Cond. Matter ,1992, v.41, N 43, L269-L274.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.K.Kalagin, A.I.Toropov.`Transport of a 2D electron gas in a system of artificial scatterers: a transition from order to disorder. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1992, v.56, N3, 166-169 (JETP Lett., 1992, v 56, N 3, 170-173).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, P.P.Wilms, V.B.Besman, N.V.Kovalenko.`Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations of a 2D electron gas in periodic potential''. Fiz.Tech.Polupr, 1992,v.26, N3, 139-142 (Sov.Phys.Semicond., 1992, v 26, N 3, 304-306).

E.M.Baskin, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, A.G.Pogosov, M.V.Entin.`Stochastic dynamic of a 2D electrons in periodic lattice of scatterers''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1992, v.55, N 11, 649-653. (JETP Lett., 1992, v.55, N 11,678-682)

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, E.B.Olshanetskyi."Universal conductance fluctuations and change of the charge of the impurities in GaAs microstructures''. Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1992, v.74, N 4, 1366-1375 (Sov.Phys.JETP, 1993, v 74, N 4, 735-739).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev, A.K.Kalagin, A.I.Toropov.`Aharovov-Bohm oscillations in a 2D electron gas with a periodic lattice of scatterers''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1992, v.55, N 2, 129-132. (JETP Lett., 1992, v.55, N 2, 123-126).


G.M.Gusev , V.T.Dolgopolov, Z.D.Kvon, A.A.Shashkin, V.M.Kudryashov, L.V.Litvin, Yu.V.Nastaushev.`Magnetooscillation in a 2D electron system with periodic potential of antidots''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1991, v.54, N 7, 369-372 ( JETP Lett., 1991, v 54, N 7, 364-368).

V.T.Dolgopolov, A.A.Shashkin, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon."Temperature dependence of nonlocal resistance in quantum Hall effect regime''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1991, v.58, N 9, 461-465 (JETP Lett., 1991, v.53, N 9, 484-488).

A.A.Bykov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, A.V.Katkov, V.G.Plyuchin.`High frequency properties and conductance of GaAs/AlGaAs microstructures''. Superlattice and Microstructures, 1991, v.l0, N 3, 287-289.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, A.G.Pogosov, D.I.Lubyshev, V.P.Migal."Quantum transport in Delta-doped GaAs layers''. Fiz.Tech.Polupr., 1991, v.25, N 4, 601-607 (Sov.Phys.Semiconductor, 1991, v25, N 4, 364-367).

A.A.Bykov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.M.Kudryashov, V.G.Plyuchin."Microwave photoconductivity in a 2D system with periodical potential of antidots''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1991, v.53, N 8, 407-410 (JETP Lett., 1991, v.53, N 8, 427-431)


A.A.Bykov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.G.Plyuchin, D.I.Chikichev.`Semiclassical ballistic microcontact in strong magnetic field'' Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1990, v.52, N 2, 763-766 (JETP Lett., 1990, v.52, N2, 126-130).

E.V.Beregulin, S.D.Ganichev, K.Yu.Gluch, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, A.Ya.Shik, I.D.Yaroshetskyi.`Rapid submillimeter photoconductivity and energy relaxations of a 2D electron gas at a silicon surface''. Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1990, v.70, N 6, 2012-2023 (Sov.Phys.JETP, 1990, v.70, N 6, 1138-1143).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, A.G.Pogosov."Thermoelectric effects in mesoscopic conductor''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1990, v.51, N 3, 151-153 (JETP Lett., 1990, v.51, N 3, 171-174).

A.A.Bykov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon.`Microwave photoconductivity in a mesoscopic system''. Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1990, v.70, N 4, 1317-1320. (Sov.Phys.JETP, 1990, v.70, N 4, 742-745).

A.A.Bykov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, B.I.Fomin.`Fluctuation properties of small silicon field effect transistors''. Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1990, v.97, N 1, 251-262. (Sov.Phys.JETP, 1990, v.70, N 1, 140-147).


F.Thiele, E.Batke, J.P.Kotthaus, V.Dolgopolov, V.N.Ovsyuk, G.Gusev , G.Weimann, W.Schlapp,"Far-infrared radiation induced photovoltage of inversion electrons on GaAs and Si", Solid State Electronics, 1989, v.32, No 12, 1503-1507.

A.A.Bykov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, D.I.Lubyshev, V.P.Migal.`Interband photoconductivity of a mesoscopic GaAs sample''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1989, v.49, N 2, 113-116 (JETP Lett., 1989, v.49, 2, 135-138).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, E.B.Olshantskyi, V.S.Aliev, V.M.Kudryashov, S.V.Palesskyi.`Sensitivity of the universal conductance fluctuations in a GaAs microstructures to the state of a single scatter''. J.Phys.:Cond. Matter, 1989, v. 36, N 1, 6507-6511

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, D.I.Lubyshev, V.P.Migal, E.B.Olshanetskyi, M.R.Baklanov."Universal conductance fluctuations of d -doped GaAs structures of small size''. Sol.St.Commun., 1989, v.70, N 7, 773-775

A.A.Bykov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, D.I.Lubyshev, V.P.Migal.`Photovoltaic effect in mesoscopic system''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1989, v.49, N 1, 13-15 (JETP Lett., 1989, v.49, N 1, 13-16).


G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, D.I.Lubyshev, V.P.Migal, V.N.Ovsyuk, V.V.Preobrazhenskyi, S.I.Stenin.`Anisotropic negative magnetoresistance in a quasi two-dimensional -doped GaAs layers''. Fiz.Tv.Tela, 1988, v.30, N 10, 3148-3150 (Sov.Phys.Solid State Phys., 1988, v 30, N 10, 1810-1811).

E.V.Beregulin, S.D.Ganichev, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, S.D.Martisov, A.Ya.Shik, I.D.Yaroshetsky."Reason of submillimeter photoconductivity in an inversion layer at a silicion surface''. Pris'ma Zh. Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1988, v.48, N 5, 247-249 (JETP Lett., 1988, v.48, N 5, 269-272).

S.A.Vitkalov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, G.I.Leviev, V.I.Falko.`Dynamic effect of a microwave field on weak localization''. Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1988, v.94, N 5, 376-384 (Sov.Phys.JETP 1988, v.67, N 5, 1080-1084).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon.`Negative magnetoresistance in heavy doped polysilicon films''. FIz.Tv. Tela, 1988, v.30, N 3, 614-644 (Sov.Phys.Solis State Physics, 1988, v.30, N 3, 367-368)

A.A.Bykov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon."Dynamic supression of weak localization effect by microwave radiation in a polysilicon films''. J.Phys.C.: Sol.St.Phys., 1988, v.21, N 16, L585-L590.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, E.B.Olshanetski, P.A.Cheremnych.``Properties of a 2D hole gas at a silicon on sapphire in strong magnetic filed''. Fiz.Tv.Tela, 1988, v.30, N2, 368-373 (Sov.Phys.Sol.State Physics, 1988, v 30, N 2, 210-212)


S.I.Dorozhkin, Z.D.Kvon, E.B.Olshanetskyi, G.M.Gusev .``Single parametric scaling and conductivity of electron system at a silicon surface''. Pis'ma Zh. Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1987, v.45, N 12, 577-579 (JETP Lett., 1987, v 45, N 12, 737-739).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, L.I.Magarill, A.M.Palkin, V.N.Sozinov, O.A.Shegai, V.M.Entin.`Resonant photovoltaic efect in an inversion layer at the surface of a semiconductor''. Pis'ma Zh. Eksp.Teor. Fiz., 1987, v.46, N 1, 28-31 (JETP Lett., 1987, v.46, N 1, 33-36).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.N.Ovsyuk.`Heating effects and electron-phonon interaction in a 2D hole gas''. Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1987, v.93, N 1, 206-214 (Sov.Phys.JETP, 1987, v.66, N 1, 118-122).


S.A.Vitkalov, G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, G.I.Leviev.`Supression of localization effects by microwave radiation in a 2D electron gas''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1986, v.43, N 8, 145-148 (JETP Lett., 1986, v.43, N 8, 185-188).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, N.N.Ovsyuk, P.A.Cheremnych."Hall resistance of a 2D electron gas at (111) silicon surface in strong magneitc field''. Fiz.Tv.Tela., 1986, v.28, N 3, 912-914 (Sov.Phys.Sol.St.Phys., 1986, v.28, N 3, 510-511)


G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, A.I.Korchagin, I.G.Neizvestnyi, V.N.Ovsyuk.``Negative magnetoresistance in a 2D electron gas at a germanium surface''. Fiz.Tech.Polupr., 1985, v.19, N 6, 1100-1103 (Sov.Phys.Semiconductors, 1985, v 19, N 6, 675-677).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.N.Ovsyuk.`Anomalous magnetoresistance in a 2D hole gas''. Zh. Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1985, v.88, N 6, 2077-2088. (Sov.Phys.JETP, 1985, v.61, N 6, 1228-1233).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, P.A.Cheremnych.`2D electron gas at a vicinal silicon surface in a strong magnetic field''. J.Phys.C.: Sol.St.Phys., 1985, v.18, N 35, L1083-L1086.

G.M.Gusev , A.N.Dakhin, Z.D.Kvon, V.N.Ovsyuk.`Mobility and substrate bias effects on the quantized Hall resistance in a 2D electron gas at a silicon surface''. Sol.St.Commun., 1985, v.56, N 12, 1055-1057.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, I.G.Neizvestnyi, V.N.Ovsyuk.`Logarithmic corrections to the conductivity of a 2D system with a strong spin orbit interection''. Fiz.Techn.Polupr.,1985, v 19, N 2, 315-317 (Sov.Phys.Semiconductors, 1985, v19, N 2, 195-196)


G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.N.Ovsyuk.``Substrate bias effects on the second subband occupation in the electron inversion layer on the (100) silicon surface''. Sol.St.Commun., 1984, v.49, N 9, 899-901.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.N.Ovsyuk.`Spin relaxation time in a 2D hole gas''. J.Phys.:Sol.St.Phys., 1984, v.17, N 26, L683-L688.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, I.G.Neizvestnyi, V.N.Ovsyuk.``Logarithmic corrections to the conductivity of 2D hole gas''.Surf.Sci., 1984, v.142, N 1-3, 73-76.

G.M.Gusev , N.V.Zavaritskyi, Z.D.Kvon, A.A.Yurgens.`Valley degeneracy of a 2D electron gas at a (111) silicon surface''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1984, v.40, N 7, 275-278 (JETP Lett., 1984,v.40, N 7, 1056-1060)

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, I.G.Neizvestnyi, V.N.Ovsyuk, P.A.Cheremnych.`Properties of a 2D hole gas at a silicon surface in ultrastrong magneitc fields''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp. Teor.Fiz. 1984, v.39, N 9, 446-449 (JETP Lett., 1984, v.39, N 9, 541-543)


G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, I.G.Neizvestnyi, V.N.Ovsyuk.`Observation of the second subband occupation in the p-type (111) Si inversion layer''. Sol. St. Commun., 1983, v.46, N2, 169-170.

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.N.Ovsyuk.`Negative magnetoresistance in a two-dimensional anisotropic system''. Fiz.Tv.Tela, 1983, v.25, N 9, 2776-2778. (Sov.Phys. Solid State, 1983, v.25. N 9, 1599).

G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.N.Ovsyuk.`Classical magnetoresistance in a two-dimensional electron gas in one-dimensional superlattice''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 1983, v.37, N 4, 177-179 (JETP Lett, 1983, v.37, N 4, 210-212)


G.M.Gusev , Z.D.Kvon, V.N.Ovsyuk, I.G.Neizvestnyi, A.M.Palkin.``Anomalous magntoresistance in a two-dimensional hole gas''. Pis'ma Zh. Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1982, v.35, N 5, 206-209 (JETP Lett., 1982, v.35, N 5, 256-259).


V.L.Alperovich, V.I.Belenicher, G.M.Gusev , V.I.Novikov, A.S.Terechov. `Means free path and coefficient of the diffuse surface scattering of electrons in GaAs''. Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1981, v.34, N 8, 437-440 (JETP Lett., 1982,v.34, N 8, 416-419).